Working Paper November 2021 Ownership, one of the five principles of the aid effectiveness agenda,1 is considered a precondition for sustainable results of development projects. Since the adoption of the Paris Declaration in 2005 and the Busan Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) in 2011, the concept of ownership has undergone changes beyond the classical understanding of the term as centered on governmental or local ownership in favor of moving towards an inclusive approach involving many actors, including both state and non-state actors. This warrants a new form of ownership approach in the form of its multistakeholder iteration, which centers on how to best delegate and address responsibilities between different stakeholders in a project.
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- Publication type: Expert Group For Aid Studies
- Country/region: -
- Year: 2021
- Published by: Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys, EBA
- Language:
- Published on Openaid: 09/08/2022