Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Palestine (SRHR) 2021-2024
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Total aid 45,000,000 SEK distributed on 0 activities
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2023 According to PMRS' monitoring system the organization has in total reached 1,935,011 beneficiaries during 2023, with 62% being females. Primary Healthcare is PMRS biggest program serving 535,699 beneficiaries through 23 primary healthcare centers and multiple mobile clinics. There are 15 SRHR clinics across Palestine with a total number of 212,460 beneficiary in 2023. SRHR health awareness has reached 222,056 beneficiaries. SRHR has extensive midwifery services and has provided more than 4,000 cases of postpartum care, including support to victims of gender based violence. Child health clinics witnessed a 61 % increase in beneficiaries than last year ( 58,415 beneficiaries). To promote access of PHC services to students PMRS operates Youth Friendly medical clinics located in three universities. Overall in 2023, number of beneficiaries in Al Quds university was 33,622, and 7,800 in Palestine Ahlya university and 1,232 in Birzeit University. In terms of mobilizing and empowering local communities to advocate for their SRHR rights, PMRS held 23 meetings across 3 universities for students covering different areas in SRHR such as breast cancer, family planning, STDs, early marriage and premarital counselling. Psychological debriefing sessions were also carried out to students focusing on psychological first aid and dealing with times of crisis. PMRS additionally implemented 4 student led initiatives focusing on: awareness initiative on Premarital Counselling, Happiness is a Decision Initiative (psychological wellbeing initiative), Mental Health Tent Initiative (Stress Relief Space on Campus) and Nutrition Corner Initiative ( Healthy Diet Orientation for new students) benefiting 1759 direct beneficiaries and 15412 indirect beneficiaries in 2023. Four summer camps were held in 2023 (2 camps for women with a total of 116 beneficiaries and 2 camps for adolescents including 116 beneficiary). Topics covered include genderbased violence and psychological support. Due to the war in Gaza and the violent situation in the West Bank PMRS has increased its emergency operations. With the mobile clinics the staff have been able to give rapid care in challenging circumstances, including movement restrictions. In the West Bank this has been particularly important in areas which are hard to reach. In Gaza over 80 teams have provided primary healthcare, Sexual and Reproductive services and mental health services. There is a close cooperation with UNRWA and the Ministry of Health to ensure complementarity as opposed to overlapping. In this violent situation PMRS must deal with numerous challences, first of all the safety of the staff, resource scarcity and transportation restrictions. Priority is to try to keep staff as safe as possible and to provide fundamental equipment for delivering services
The proposed program will be implemented by PMRS and will have the following goals: 1- Palestinians, women & men, girls and boys, without discrimination, have access to quality primary comprehensive health care focusing on SRHR and Mental Health and Psychosocial services (MHPSS) service and support delivery. 2- Mobilized and empowered local communities advocating for their SRHR rights with emphasis on youth, women and marginalized groups. 3- A resilient Palestinian civil society has been strengthened.
Swedish aid in numbers and reports
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Reports from the Expert Group for Aid Studies and Sida's strategy and corruption reportsSida's annual report (Swedish only)