WWF Voices for Diversity- safeguarding ecosystems for nature and people
This website displays open data about Swedish aid, which shows when, to whom and for what purpose Swedish aid is paid out, as well as what results it has produced. This page contains information about one of the contributions financed with Swedish aid.
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) program "Voices for Diversity - Safeguarding ecosystems for nature and people 2019-2022" is a three-year programme with a budget of SEK 75,000,000. The overall goal is to strengthen and anchor the integration of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of natural resources with focus on a participatory approach, and to preven...
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Responsible actor
Form of cooperation
- B03 - Contributions to specific-purpose programmes and funds managed by international organisations (multilateral, INGO) ,
- C01 - Project-t...
- B03 - Contributions to specific-purpose programmes and funds managed by international organisations (multilateral, INGO) ,
- C01 - Project-type interventions
Breakdown of the total amount paid for the entire contribution.
Partner country
- Developing countries, unspecified77.38 M SEK (68.19%)
- Myanmar5.57 M SEK (4.91%)
- Kenya5.57 M SEK (4.91%)
- Mozambique5.57 M SEK (4.91%)
- Tanzania, United Republic of5.57 M SEK (4.91%)
Breakdown of the total amount paid for the entire contribution.
Partner countries:
- Developing countries, unspecified77.38 M SEK (68.19%)
- Myanmar5.57 M SEK (4.91%)
- Kenya5.57 M SEK (4.91%)
- Mozambique5.57 M SEK (4.91%)
- Tanzania, United Republic of5.57 M SEK (4.91%)
- Vietnam5.57 M SEK (4.91%)
- Madagascar5.57 M SEK (4.91%)
- Africa, regional1.34 M SEK (1.18%)
- Asia, regional1.34 M SEK (1.18%)
Breakdown of the total amount paid for the entire contribution.
Sector categories and sectors
- General environmental protection113.48 M SEK (100%)
Breakdown of the total amount paid for the entire contribution.
Sector categories and sectors:
- General environmental protection113.48 M SEK (100%)Sectors within General environmental protection:
- Bio–diversity114.3 M SEK (100.73%)
Contribution period
Financial information
Total committed amount: SEK 116,176,172116176172
Total paid amount: SEK 113,476,172113476172
More about the contribution
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) program "Voices for Diversity - Safeguarding ecosystems for nature and people 2019-2022" is a three-year programme with a budget of SEK 75,000,000. The overall goal is to strengthen and anchor the integration of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of natural resources with focus on a participatory approach, and to prevent illegal trafficking of endangered species in different but interconnected policy processes.Thematically it includes three - closely related - areas:• Participation and rights-based management of natural ecosystems (land and water),• Knowledge and policy development around nature-based solutions• Reduction of illegal trade in endangered speciesThe program will contribute to three main results in these areas:(1) That biodiversity conservation and participatory management for sustainable use of natural resources and poverty reduction are integrated into relevant global policy frameworks.(2) That global policy frameworks for biodiversity management and sustainable development are translated into effective implementation at regional and national level.(3) A strengthened interface between policy and implementation at national and local level, which enables more effective policy development and implementation.WWF will work with two main target groups: (1) authorities and governments in low-income countries; and (2) civil society organizations. Related target groups also include multilateral organizations at regional and global level, including UN agencies (e.g. UNFCCC, UNCBD) and regional organizations (e.g. EAC, SADC, AU, ASEAN).The program is global with implementation in Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Madagascar, Myanmar and Vietnam. Criteria for land selection have been developed in dialogue with Sida and include, among other things, a focus on low-income countries, the possibility of overlap between the three thematic areas (participatory management, illegal trade in endangered species, and nature-based solutions), the possibility to cover both land-based and marine ecosystems, and opportunities for synergies with other ongoing Sida-supported WWF programs. In order to maximize synergies with other Sida-funded WWF programs, regional focus is on East Africa and Southeast Asia. WWF Sweden will forward 89% of the total budget, having a coordinating role, while WWF country offices will be the ones who primarily carry out the planned activities.The total budget is SEK 75,000,000 for a three-year period 2020-2022:- WWF's country offices will account for 51% of the budget. The support goes to six country offices, which means about SEK 2 million / country office / year. This includes, among other things, salary costs, travel expenses, meetings and workshops, as well as forwarding of funds.- Global coordination and support for policy work constitute 27% of the budget. This includes salary costs, support for the participation of local and indigenous representatives and experts from WWF in preparation as well as negotiation meetings, capacity building activities, relevant studies and workshops. Wage costs include 5 new services; 3 positions for global policy coordination, 1 position as policy coordinator for the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Animals and Plants, and 1 position as coordinator for learning about the rights perspective and participatory management of natural resources.The program will start with a nine-month in-depth planning phase with the aim of enabling a more entrenched program document (including in-depth change theory, a performance framework, a follow-up system, and linked work plans). This period will also include impact work at global, regional and national levels to raise the voices of local and indigenous peoples, not least as a response to the new 10-year strategic framework that will be decided at the Biodiversity Convention's 15th party meeting in October 2020.
All activities related to the contribution are shown here. Click on an individual activity to see in-depth information.
Total aid 113,476,172 SEK distributed on 0 activities
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Reports from the Expert Group for Aid Studies and Sida's strategy and corruption reportsSida's annual report (Swedish only)