West Bank Protection Consortium - Resilience Program
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Total aid 39,000,000 SEK distributed on 0 activities
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The purpose of the program was to "strengthen vulnerable communities' and populations' resilience in order to prevent the forcible transfer of Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, through the provision of multisector support and evidencebased advocacy". During the implementation period the levels of violence perpetrated by Israeli settlers and Israeli Security Forces and the number of demolitions and forced transfers have reached record levels, especially after 7 October 2023. Within this context the WBPC has played a pivotal and unique role in counteracting the effects and bringing public and diplomatic attention to the situation. The advocacy work has involved the diplomatic community in Palestine in a comprehensive way and has resulted in an increased understanding of the violations against international law. Heads of Missions in Jerusalem consider the WBPC as instrumental in increasing the awareness of the deteriorating situation, especially in Area C and East Jerusalem. A great number of field visits and briefings have been organised by the WBPC, often to communities that have recently been attacked. An example is a diplomatic mission to a beduin community, which had its school completely destroyed by settlers. As a consequence the community left their land, since it was considered unsafe for children. After such diplomatic missions a common statement is formulated and sent to Israeli authorities. Furthermore, the WBPC has issued regular alerts on forcible transfer, demolitions and settler attacks, including social media posts and media engagement. Within pillar 2 Resilience building with community based protection, basic and social infrastructure and legal aid the implementation of the program has contributed to the resilience of vulnerable Palestinian communities and mitigated the impact of the coercive environment. The violence, movement restrictions and forced transfers make Palestinians constantly exposed to systematic threaths which puts serious barriers to economic development. Assaults and destruction of fundamental economic assets have resulted in denial of means of livelihood. Children under 18 constitute half of the population which means that this is a serious breach of children's rights. Despite this coercive enviorrnment the resilience building of the WBPC has improved people's possibilities to endure. During 2023, 216 communities were targeted and 65% reported an improved feeling of safety, which was higher than targeted (55%). With the Sida support communities have been provided with material assistance such as school upgrading and water rehabilitation. School upgrading has been done to increase children's safety against settler attacks. Another serious risk for communities is forcible transfer, which is heightened because of lack of livelihood opportunities. The Consortium has therefore implemented income generating activities specially aimed at women, youth and people with disabilties. This has taken the form of land and animal shelter rehabilitation, distributions of seeds and agricultural tool kits. Since communities are at risk of settler attacks strong animal shelters is a way to safeguard animals. Capacity building aimed at improving livelihood skills has also been an important part of the program. One example is when the Massafer Yatta water network was damaged by Israeli settlers. Staff from the Local Water Authority had been trained by the WBPC and were therefore able to repair the network on their own without WBPC staff, who were prohibited from reaching these communities.
The purpose of the program is to strengthen vulnerable communities' and populations' resilience in order to prevent the forcible transfer of Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, through the provision of multisector support and evidence-based advocacy. The coercive environment that affects the safety and well-being of the most vulnerable Palestinian households manifests itself through the demolition of homes and properties, confiscation of lands and assets, the lack of basic services and job opportunities, the threat of Israeli forces and settlers’ attacks, among other elements. In order to respond to these threats, the WBPC: * provides emergency response to Palestinian communities to mitigate the impact of demolition or settler violence incidents; * strengthens the resilience of communities to enhance their capacity to live dignified lives despite the occupation; and, * advocates towards duty bearers and third party to increase respect for international law and accountability for violations. The above approach is structured in three result areas, as explained in chapter 1 of this appraisal, “Introduction and Agreement Structure”. The WBPC has developed its program based on the following assumptions that are informed by assessments, studies, and evaluations of its action: If households targeted by demolition or settler violence receive adequate and timely assistance, they remain in their home or area or residency because they have the means to bounce back and an increased feeling of protection. If vulnerable communities have access to adequate services, legal assistance and income generating activities, they are able to remain on their lands and prosper because they have the means to develop and greater hope for the future. If the Consortium appeals to the Palestinian authorities and third parties for them to fulfill their obligations to protect the Palestinian population, the Palestinian people will live in greater safety and dignity because Israeli authorities will stop, suspend or reduce the acts of violence against the occupied population. These assumptions will be further refined and spelled out based on the outcomes of a nexus research and a series of strategic and technical workshops that will take place during the first year of the program, 2021. The program’s theory of change is based on a needs analysis and a corresponding response analysis. The outcome objective of the proposed program is to address the fundamental resilience needs of vulnerable Palestinian persons and communities subjected to recurrent rights violations related to policies of forcible transfer through a protection-centred resilience program. To achieve the outcome objective, the program is structured into four outputs, which also form the four major workstreams under which activities are grouped: * Community Protection * Resilience Building - Material Assistance * Resilience Building- Livelihoods * Advocacy In addition, the AIDA component has two objectives: * AIDA advances the humanitarian, development and human rights objectives of the NGO community in Palestine in support of the full realisation of human rights for Palestinians. * AIDA members are effectively informed, supported, engaged, and represented in key external coordination systems; work strategically as a collective; and have access to relevant capacity development opportunities. The program will further be informed, and possibly adjusted, based on the outcomes and recommendations of a nexus research to be completed during the first quarter of 2021.
Swedish aid in numbers and reports
Do you want to read more about the results of Swedish aid?
Reports from the Expert Group for Aid Studies and Sida's strategy and corruption reportsSida's annual report (Swedish only)