USAID - Moldova Future Technologies Activity (FTA) 2021-(2026) - 2027
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Total aid 101,500,000 SEK distributed on 0 activities
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FTA programme results according to the latest (Y2) Annual Report (September 2022 - October 2023). Sida's assessment is that the FTA programme has exceeded expectations in many areas. It is considered a flagship by the Moldovan partners with high visibility and impact. During the first two years of implementation it made a substantial contribution to economic growth, employment, innovation and trade: - Technical assistance, drafting 76 policy initiatives (out of 60 planned during the course of programme implementation), supporting digital and creative economy, ITparks, ecommerce, ebusiness, cyber security, eservices for the SMEsector, citizens and future education. - Created 11 innovation hubs and accelerators in ICT, digital media, creative industries, fashion, education, agrotech and women entrepreneurship. These hubs are managed by Moldovan foundations consisting of private sector branch organisations, universities and the public sectors. - Developed 135 industrydriven courses implemented by Moldova's universities, amounting to 405,000 workforce training hours (out of 48,000 planned). For instance: BA courses in game design, animation, digital media, and short courses in sustainable fashion, robotics, AI and engineering. - 7,000 new and/or improved employment (out of 15,000). (Note: the FTA chose to include in the indicator not only new employment, but also counting those employment that was improved through increase in salaries and/or environmental work conditions.) - 649 SMEs (out of 800 planned) assisted in adopting new technologies, improve efficiency and implement sustainability practices. - The 20222023 energy crisis spurred in turn a demand in the private sector towards green energy investments. The FTA has been providing grants for green energy transition, mainly solar panels, for a number of SMEs. - 12 (out of 15) high value markets accessed by Moldovan SMEs in the EU and globally. - Mobilized capital of 27 million USD (out of 80 million USD planned) of new private sector investment and finance. - Out of every USD invested by the donors in the FTA programme, 1.4 USD has been leveraged from private and industry partners, and 1.7 USD from Moldovan government partners and other donors. The FTA has established collaboration with a large number of key Moldovan actors: Eight government ministries and agencies six universities, four local and nine global technology partners. Among the global private sector partners that are sponsoring activities, software and providing training are Google, IBM, Palo Alto Networks, Cisco, Sony, Epic Games and Draxlmayer Group. FTA has also managed to attract funding from other donors for specific activities and investments such as the Lichtenstein Development Services, and Western NIS Enterprise Fund.
The Future Technologies Activity has as overarching Goal to Improve the competitiveness of the leading private sector growth sectors. In support of this goal the following objectives have been identified: Objective 1: Self-sustaining business associations, COEs and similar institutions that represent and advocate for the needs of their members, in partnership with regional and international associations and investors, expand integration with existing markets and increase access to new markets. Objective 2: Companies in targeted sectors improve their competitiveness on Western markets. FTA will promote and advance the digital, creative and green economy and apply the following implementing principles: - Building local systems and maximizing private sector engagement (SPE). - Driving Innovation to amplify effects across sectors, promote sustainability, and propel private sector growth. - Maximizing inclusion and economic growth of marginalized populations. - Maintaining flexibility and consistently reinforcing adaptive management practices. - Sustainable results for the economy and the environment.
Swedish aid in numbers and reports
Do you want to read more about the results of Swedish aid?
Reports from the Expert Group for Aid Studies and Sida's strategy and corruption reportsSida's annual report (Swedish only)