INSO/International NGO Safety Organisation Afghanistan 2022-2024
This website displays open data about Swedish aid, which shows when, to whom and for what purpose Swedish aid is paid out, as well as what results it has produced. This page contains information about one of the contributions financed with Swedish aid.
All activities related to the contribution are shown here. Click on an individual activity to see in-depth information.
Total aid 17,234,800 SEK distributed on 0 activities
A list of all paid transactions for a specific contribution is presented here. Each payment can be traced to a specific activity. Negative amounts indicate that there has been a refund.
0 transactions
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INSO has continued to play a key role in the overall operating environment for NGOs operating in Afghanistan as pertains to security analysis and advice as well as security management trainings in line with their stated outputs and outcome. Overall, INSO has been able to deliver on target for all stated activities.
Theory of Change: IF NGO partners utilise INSO services, THEN they will have better contextual awareness and understanding, allowing them to anticipate risks, make better decisions and ultimately operate and deliver aid more safely. Outcome: Humanitarian and development organisations in Afghanistan have access to timely, reliable, and high-quality safety services that help them plan, operate and deliver aid more safely. Outputs: O1. Information, Analysis and Advice NGOs are provided with objective and reliable security information and advice. O2. Security Management, Preparedness and Capacity Development - NGOs are supported in developing their individual security management preparedness and capacity through direct support and training.
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