Insight Crime Latin America - Core Support
This website displays open data about Swedish aid, which shows when, to whom and for what purpose Swedish aid is paid out, as well as what results it has produced. This page contains information about one of the contributions financed with Swedish aid.
All activities related to the contribution are shown here. Click on an individual activity to see in-depth information.
Total aid 3,000,000 SEK distributed on 0 activities
A list of all paid transactions for a specific contribution is presented here. Each payment can be traced to a specific activity. Negative amounts indicate that there has been a refund.
0 transactions
No transactions available for this contribution
0 contribution documents
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No contribution documents available for this contribution
InSight Crime will receive core support from sida for the next three years (2024-2025-2026). The main goal of the intervention is to strengthen the partner´s overall objective of deepening, informing, and provoking "debate about organized crime and citizen security in the Americas by providing regular reporting, analysis, and investigation, as well as policy suggestions on how to tackle the multiple challenges they present". According to InSight Crime´s strategic document for 2023-2025, the specific objectives for the period are the following: 1. Strengthen the regional outlook of the partners work in their efforts on understanding and explaining criminal dynamics throughout the Americas. 2. Support the social media and communications objective particularly including podcast as a new communication format. 3. Reinforce the retention and training of staff plan to support their internal capacity-building. 4. Support the investigative priorities planned for the period, in particular those related to environmental crime, threats to democracy and rule of law, and the understanding of organized crime and gender.
Swedish aid in numbers and reports
Do you want to read more about the results of Swedish aid?
Reports from the Expert Group for Aid Studies and Sida's strategy and corruption reportsSida's annual report (Swedish only)