BOL Research UMSA 2013-2021
This website displays open data about Swedish aid, which shows when, to whom and for what purpose Swedish aid is paid out, as well as what results it has produced. This page contains information about one of the contributions financed with Swedish aid.
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Total aid 141,882,657 SEK distributed on 0 activities
A list of all paid transactions for a specific contribution is presented here. Each payment can be traced to a specific activity. Negative amounts indicate that there has been a refund.
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Improved research management efficiency and effectiveness thanks to redesigned and approved processes, mechanisms and financial administration. 24 PhD students (13 women and 11 men) enrolled in 2013 and 2014 have defended their PhD dissertations and most of them have been employed at the university Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, UMSA. 23 students obtained their Msc degree within the program. The program resources contributed to an additional 50 Msc degrees. A number of research results with a potential to have an impact on development in Bolivia have been published. The intervention resulted in 39 published books and 252 scientific articles. The research results achieved may potentially have a high impact for development and poverty reduction in Bolivia, for example within natural resources, food and food safety, technological development and health. Redesign of research management processes at the university were initiated during earlier programme phases and continued during the phase 2013-2020. They have resulted in a: - Conceptual Model of Research Management, Postgraduate, Social interaction and Innovation (proposal for university reform to a future university congress). - Implementation of a Research Management Manual. - Promotion of Researcher proposal (in order to create incentives and a carreer ladder). - Intellectual Property Policy, Regulations and Manual. - Response plan to prevent corruption and fraud at UMSA. - Comprehensive Risk Management Manual. - Information Security Policies. - Science and Technology Information System (SICyT). - Implementation of Science Research and Communication Management System.
General objective: To develop scientific and technological research and strategic innovation at UMSA for contributing to the development of the country. Specific objectives: 1. To increase the research that contributes solving problems in the framework of national policies. 2. To increase the number and quality of researchers at UMSA. 3. To enhance and expand the infrastructure of research (refer to equipment). 4. To optimize the processes and mechanisms of efficiency and effectiveness in the management of research at UMSA.
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