Olof Palme International Center frame 2020-2025
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In the narrative report for 2023 Olof Palme International Centre (OPC) has shared the following results: OPC provided trainings and study-circles on democracy and human rights related topics that led to an increase in public participation in elections and collective organizing to push for their rights. These activities also enabled a higher degree of awareness of among politicians of local citizens demands in connection with local elections. For instance in Zimbabwe OPC local partners has witnessed a behavior change among community members and leadership as a result of theatre outreach activities to emphasize respect for all and provide a safe space for discussions. In Philippines meetings and hearings allowed citizens to express their demands in local elections. OPC partners have furthermore been actively involvement in monitoring local and parliamentary elections in for instance local and parliamentary elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, respectively. In 2023 OPC also focused attention to workers rights and particularly domestic workers rights across most of the regional programmes. The activities included advocacy and political pressure on governments to the ratify and implement the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention C189 for domestic workers. These activities has contributed to the ratification of C189 in for instance South African and Namibia. In Namibia, domestic employees are now registered. In both countries, it has become easier to file legal complaints if workers are being mistreated. Also OPC local partner in India have shown result from their advocacy work. In 2023 the governmental officials and parliamentarians agreed that domestic workers need increased protection and is now considering drafting new laws and legislation to protect the domestic workers' rights. These result has an impact on millions of domestic workers and it is an important starting point demands for further political action in the area of labour rights. OPC counterparts have been pushing for tripartite dialogues between governments, employers' and workers' organizations as well as country specific political demands. For instance in Zimbabwe OPC partners have advocated for action to curb hyperinflation in order to secure the value of the pensions for workers. In the Philippines OPC partners have been successful in laying the ground for the trade union in the fishing sector to be recognized by the City Fisheries and Aquatic Resources and Management Council (CFARMC) in Mindanao. As a result they are now an active participant in this council as an appointed member which is an important result in light of the very harsh working environment for fishermen in the war-torn island Mindanao. Just transition and climate change has been given increased attention in several OPC programmes in 2023. A wide set of activities was introduced such as lobbying for the involvement of citizens in municipal climate initiatives, ensuring that the transition from dirty to clean public transport vehicles includes job creation for the transport workforce, that is presently engaged in high pollution public transport. In Namibia, the Metal and Allied Namibian Workers Union managed to get a seat on the government commission that will draft new legislation in the field of work environment. A bill is to be presented in 2024. In the Western Balkans 80% of all OPC partners have been involved in climate action. Many partners have been organizing lectures and raising awareness and understanding of Just Transition principles. In Somalia, the OPC trade union partner played an important role in pushing for the introduction of a social security systems for the countrys citizens. For the first time, Somali workers will have access to public social security systems that mitigates the effects of poverty, crises and climate disasters. In the area of the promotion of peace and dialogue OPC and partners helped reduce the risk for political tension and divide in elections by creating local peace committees that played a key role in supporting communities to stay peaceful. The activities has also focused on decreasing communal tensions due to discrimination. The OPC partner in Turkey provide alternative capacity building for marginalized Roma youth which has also targeted decision-makers to increase their understanding of issues related to discrimination, social inclusion, and the development of targeted policies for the Roma population. Finally the programme also contributed to increasing the awareness on gender equality and women's rights. In 2023, partners across several regions, placed emphasis on making visible the increase in violence against women and negotiating the inclusion of parental leave rights in the legislation on employment. Examples of results provided by OPC partners include challenging gender stereotypes regarding care work in South Africa, advocacy and campaigning for LGBTQ rights in Western Balkans and Turkey including support to safety measures for victims of femicide and gender based violence in the Balkans and South Africa.
The Olof Palme International Centre supports democratic organisations that come together in broad, strategic alliances in pursuit of progressive development. The OPC proposal 2020-2024 is comprised of five regional and one thematic programme. The programme objectives of these are: Programme for Southern Africa: A Southern Africa region of active women, workers, marginalised groups and strong people organisations able to engage with responsive governments in promoting social justice and progressive development to sustain peace and democracy in the region. Programme for MENA: Robust and resilient civil society organisations collaborate and advance democracy, rule of law, equality and social justice, recovery of identity and social cohesion towards pluralistic and peaceful inclusive societies. Programme for Western Balkans: Citizens actively participate in political, social and economic life based on principles of human rights, positive peace and social justice. Programme for Eastern Europe: Democracy in the region is strengthened and the social democratic values of labour movement are more prevalent in society. Programme for Asia: The programme will contribute to a deepened democracy and improved living conditions through strengthening social movements, building sustainable and peaceful communities, ensuring decent and secure work, and upholding equality and human rights. Trade union programme: The overall objective of the programme is to strengthen trade unions and their educational wings through organising and capacity building to contribute to formalisation of work, social justice and decent work for all. In addition to the six programs listed above, OPC plans to carry out the following programmes: 1. Assignment of channelling funds; to manage, and further develop, internal management systems for channeling funds but also to strengthen member organisations' ability to implement projects. 2. Quality assurance programme; which consists of the planning and follow-up of the operations of the partner organisations. This is carried out by OPC’s local offices. The programme enables member organisations to participate in the projects, which is managed by the OPC. 3. Methods development programme; focuses on the work on the integrated perspective, including the capacity building of the staff, member organisations and partner organisations, as well as organisational development.
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